sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

The way I want...

I simply cannot work when things aren’t organized the way I want them to be.

a) I was working with six containers; I placed them side by side, and numbered them 1 to 6, left to right. But them Bitch 2 told me I couldn’t use all that space, and moved containers 1 and 2, placing them on the other side of the lab. That completely messed up my “order”. I spent the next 12 hours whining and bitching, while working, and had to recount and renumber the containers every single time I collected samples from them.

b) I needed 72 clean tubes to start a test. Since I could only find, in that hell of a laboratory, 60 tubes exactly the same, as in height and width, I postponed the test. I only did it when I had all of the 72 tubes the way I wanted them. I am incapable of handling different tubes when they represent the same sample and should, therefore, be exactly the same.

I simply cannot live when things aren’t ordered the way I want them to be.

c) When I got here, I had 18 pieces of cloth. All the hangers I found in the new apartment where different from each other. My clothes stayed on a box until I bought identical hangers. I only allowed differences between shirt hangers and pants hangers.

d) I started studying italian and used a green pen to highlight the important parts on my notebook. After I finished two 100 pages notebooks worth of studying, I ran out of green pens. I haven’t studied in two weeks because I cannot find another green pen the same shade as the one I had, and I can’t decide if I should just rewrite the whole two notebooks using another more usual pen.

e) I bought four round shaped glasses. My roomies broke 2 of them, and them bought me other 2 glasses, but square shaped one. I thanked them, and as soon as they were out of here, I turned the new glasses into ashtrays. Even if that means I have to always wash a glass right after I use it, otherwise I’ll run out of clean ones.

I simply cannot relate when people don’t function the way I want them to.

f) My mother is the most emotional woman I know. I cannot relate to her. Since her actions are based on what she’s feeling, and feelings don’t follow an order or a straight reason, I cannot understand her at all. Once I don’t understand her, we don’t get along well. Since we don’t get along well, I avoid her. And that’s why she, sometimes, hates me.

g) My brother is a junkie. And since drugs take away all reasoning from a person, he is completely unpredictable. Therefore, I also cannot relate to him, and I avoid him at all costs.

h) My girlfriend is also emotional. When she asks me “if you were home, why didn’t you texted me?”, and I answer truthfully “because I was tired and wanted to just read something”, she gets upset. She acts on her feeling, she gets hurt because I had a day off and preferred something else over spending time with her. She doesn’t reason that it’s normal for someone to want sometime alone. Sometimes I consider lying and answering something else, but I always forget to do it. I don’t realize she’s going to get hurt until after I said something hurtful.

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